Can I access QuicDoc and Office Therapy using a remote access connection?

Can I access QuicDoc and Office Therapy using a remote access connection?

Yes. We offer a product called QuicDoc® Office in the Cloud.  You can access your clinical records and data from anywhere, anytime as long as you have an internet connection.  Cloud-based systems offer built in data protection, bank-level security, high-level encryption, and are HIPAA compliant.  For more information on QuicDoc® Office in the Cloud, click here.

Another option is Remote Access to the computer that QuicDoc and Office Therapy are installed on. You want to be sure, however, that the Remote Access software you use not only supports the connected device you plan to use (e.g. iPad, iPhone, Android, another PC), but also meets HIPAA security guidelines for remote use and access to electronic protected health information.  Among other safeguards, there must be a strong user/password authentication when you connect and the encryption of data being transmitted.  For a more detailed guide, click here

While there may be other products, free and paid, we are listing two that specifically state they meet HIPAA requirements and are compatible for connections from iPad, iPhones, and Android devices. 

GoToMyPC - Works with PC and iPad (iPhone and Android coming soon) 

LogMeIn - works with PC, iPad, iPhone, and Android 

Remote Access versus WAN
Remote access should not be confused with a WAN (Wide Area Network) environment. For instance, an example of a WAN would be if your home computer is an actual workstation where the software is installed and the database is located in a different site on a server.