Cloud - Uninstall GlobalProtect from Mac
Use the following steps to uninstall the GlobalProtect app from your Windows endpoint. Keep in mind that by uninstalling the app, you no longer have VPN access to your corporate network and your endpoint will not be protected by your company’s security policies. Only users with administrator privileges can uninstall the GlobalProtect app from Windows endpoints.
Click Download Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent.
From the GlobalProtect Installer, click Continue.
On the Destination Select screen, click Continue.
On the Installation Type screen, select the Uninstall GlobalProtect package check box, and then click Continue.
Click Install to confirm that you want to remove the GlobalProtect app.
When prompted, enter your User Name and Password, and then click Install Software to uninstall GlobalProtect.
A message pops up, confirming that the Uninstall GlobalProtect package was successfully installed. This confirmation indicates that the GlobalProtect app has been removed from your endpoint.