Cloud Remote Setup - Chromebook XtraLogic
Please Note: ALL CREDENTIALING IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR EXAMPLE USE ONLY. Please use the QuicDocOffice Cloud Account Information provided by our Sales Department. Open
the ‘Cloud Account Credentials’
document that was provided from sales
for ‘XtraLogic’ from the Chrome Web Store.
**Please note: this app is a paid application**
Select ‘add
Using the ‘Cloud Account Credentials.’ Enter the credentials that pertains to the
credential sheet.
Address = Computer Name
Domain = dt
Username = Cloud Login ID
Please note: do not save Cloud password as the security Policy for the Cloud does not allow the password credentials to be saved
Select the Gateway tab, enter the ‘Gateway address.’
This can be found on the Cloud Account Credentials sheet. Click Save when finished.
Select ‘Connect’
If receiving the ‘Validate SSL (TLS)
Certificate, click ‘Accept’