Guarantor Dashboard

Guarantor Dashboard

Guarantor Dashboard 

The Guarantor is the person who is financially responsible, i.e. would receive statements for services rendered. 

Where can I find patient statement details? 

Click the Guarantor Name link > Statement History section 

Click the 'View' link to see the PDF of the most recent statements sent. 




How do I add a new Guarantor? 

Click the Guarantor link 


  1. ADD 
  2. Choose the 'Patient Relationship to Guarantor' in the dropdown (other than 'Self') 



  1. Check 'Default', if this is the most likely Guarantor responsible for new charge entry 
  2. Search for existing Person using the magnifying glass > click on ID to populate OR simply add new guarantor 5.  Copy Address Dropdown  
  • allows you to copy Patient or any Guarantor associated with this patient and any patients of those Guarantors  

6.  SAVE 




The user may change what Guarantor is 'Default' by clicking the checkbox > Green = default 





Does updating address of the default Guarantor automatically update the patients affiliated? 

The user is presented with the opportunity in a popup to update the address of the patients with the same guarantor, when they are saving a new address for the default Guarantor.  




How do I manage a payment plan, dunning message count for a guarantor? 

For payment plans, you may prefer to setup a specific Statement Type such as 'Budget' and assign that Statement Type to specific Encounters.  This gives you the ability to create specific dunning messages and statement designs for different situations. Note that each separate design will need to go through an approval process with our statement department. To set up a payment plan: 

  1. Click the Guarantor link on the 'Patient Dashboard' 
  2. Click 'Edit' 
  3. Add the amount that is expected to be paid monthly Amount field and specify if the amount is a dollar amount or a % of the balance > SAVE 

The Auto Post feature in Payment Posting will automatically reset the Dunning Count if the payment meets or exceeds the Payment Plan amount. If manually posting (instead of Auto Posting), the system will display a message as to whether or not the payment meets the payment plan requirement, but the user must manually reset the dunning count. 


Where there is no payment plan for the Guarantor, the system uses the Payment Rules amount entered in Statement Default to determine if the payment is acceptable or not.  If no payment rule has been entered in Statement Defaults, the system will not automatically change or prompt for a Dunning Count change.