How Do I Add a Scheduling Build

How Do I Add a Scheduling Build

How do I add a Scheduling Build?

Go to Scheduling in the sidebar  > [Schedule Setup] >

  1. Build tab
  2. Click [Add]
  3. Check all the Resources, then Facilities
  4. Choose Recurrences options' Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
  5. Select the 'Slot Type' 
  6. Select the Priority
  • If there is a conflict which slot type should be chosen
  • We system deliver 3- Medium
  1. Choose Effective Date, Expiration is not required
  2. Start Time, End Time
  3. Save 

You have the ability to add multiple Slots to the Build at one time. Click + to add a Slot, or - to remove one. You are able to add up to 50 slots at a time. 

  • Please note that even though you are saving multiple Slots in one Build, you are still able to edit the Slots individually once they are saved.

Schedule Build - Copy Day

It is possible to Copy a Schedule Build from one Resource/Facility and apply it to other Resources/Facilities. 

Filter the desired 

  1. Resource/facility
  2. Date
  3. Click Copy

If you only want to copy part of a day, un-check the slots you do not want to copy