How Do I Partially Resubmit Lines On a Claim

How Do I Partially Resubmit Lines On a Claim

How do I partially resubmit lines on a claim?

  1. Encounter > [Modify Charge]
  2. Click on line number hyperlink
  3. Choose a Submit Status in the drop-down 
  • if resubmitting one or two of many lines: 'Partial Resubmit [R]'
  • if resubmitting all but one or two of many lines:  'Exclude from Claims [X]' to Exclude a line(s) from the re-submission  (Only lines without the 'X' will be resubmitted)
  1. [Save] the line > [Save] the Encounter 

Note the lines are color coded after the 'Submit Status' is saved. 

Red=line is Excluded 

Green= line is  Resubmitted 

*  Be sure the Claims status is Ready for Submission/Resubmission