How do I Print an EOB from an ERA?
How do I deal with ERAs with encounters from the previous, legacy, PM system?
If the entire ERA is for your old system, you may choose to mark the ERA as 'Posted Manually'> into the old PM
Change the status to a files status such as 'Posted Manually', add a note if desired > [Save]. The ERA List page updates accordingly.
o We will 'disburse' any remits that to not have OUR account format of patient ID, the letter 'E' and the encounter number, ie 27e14. The Receipt the system produces has the letter 'O' in the Disbursed field, O=Old System. This Receipt is a holding card to indicate it should posted into the old PM and is not reported as part of the A/R. This field is editable.
On the 'ERA Remit Item' > after you have clicked [Apply]
The EOB will have a 'total paid' amount filtered by the amount you should post into the Legacy PM
This amount will reflect on the ERA file Dashboard as well
On the 'Modify ERA Insurance' page > File status >