How to Map Forms to Folders

How to Map Forms to Folders

This article covers how a user with administrator access can update mapping of forms/notes to folders

Within PsychEase, click the Admin menu dropdown and select Map Forms To Folders

A new modal opens up; allowing you to search for the formName and Folder you need to edit the mapping on. Once you find the relevant form, click the edit (pencil) icon to update the form activity status and folder mapping.

While editing the form to folder mapping, you can deactivate a form by unchecking the active status checkbox. You may remap the form to a new folder by clicking the Folder dropdown and scrolling through the dropdown options for the correct folder.

Once you are done with selecting changes for the form to folder mapping; click the save icon. If you need to revert your changes before saving, click the undo icon, adjacent to the save icon.