Office Therapy - Claims not showing in Claims Manager

Office Therapy - Claims not showing in Claims Manager

Claims not showing in Claims Manager

If claims not showing in Claims Manager, check the following:

Insurance start date needs to be same day or prior to the charge.  This can be found under the Insurance tab in the Patient’s setup.

File Claims is checked for the Insurance Profile.  This can be found under the Insurance tab in the Patient’s setup

There are no amounts set to charge the insurance.

Under the patient’s ledger, open the charge and make sure that there is a fixed amount due for insurance.

The insurance company is either set to electronic claims or paper claims which depends on your claim type.  If producing paper claims, make sure that the electronic filing is turned off and you are on the Primary/Secondary (Paper) option in Claims Manager. 

Claims have been archived.  Please see article on Marking Claims as Filed.

If trying to produce electronic secondary claims, please see article How to produce electronic secondary claims.