Office Therapy - How can I find future appointments for a patient?
I need to find if a patient has been scheduled for any appointments in the future. How can I do this without looking at a day or week at a time.
There are a couple of ways to easily search for a patient's appointments.
- You can select the patient from the Patient View. Right-click on the patient and select Appointments. This will show any future appointments with the Date, Time, Service, and Provider. You can Print selected appointments or all appointments on the list.
- Select Appointment List from the View menu. Click the Filter button at the bottom of the screen. You can go to the Patient tab and select the patient for whom you want to see appointments. Select the Actions tab. Using the Dates drop-down list, select Custom and enter the current date for the start date and a date in the future. Click Ok. The resulting list can be sorted by column.
You can also save the List if, for instance you want to create a list showing all appointments for the next month. Show all patients and set the Date filter for next month. Click Ok. Save the list by right-clicking on the list and selecting Save As. Enter a list name such as Next Month's Appointments. You can make it a public list or just for you. Click Ok to save. When you go to this view, simply select it from the My Lists at the top right of the screen. You can sort by patient by double-clicking on the column header Patient and then look for the patient in question.