Office Therapy - How do I add users to Office Therapy?

Office Therapy - How do I add users to Office Therapy?

For instructional video on creating users, click here.
In order to add users to Office Therapy, you must be logged on as a User with Master Access (i.e., a user with full administrative rights).
To add a new user, click the File menu and select Maintain User Accounts from the Administration item.

In the Users View, click Add at the bottom of the screen or right-click and select Add

Enter a User Name (the name to use to logon), the user's first and last names, and a password. Although you are allowed to create a user with no password however it is NOT advisable. Be sure to use a strong password that uses a combination of upper and lower case, numbers and letters.  You can also set the user to have Master Access.  This would allow the user full administrative rights such as setting up other users, deleting users, changing passwords and access rights.  You can also inactive and active users.

Master Access
At least one User must have Master Access; otherwise, you will not be able to add users or make any changes in settings that can only be done by a user with Master Access.
Finally, click the Access Rights tab and select access rights for the user. Users with Master Access will have full rights so all options on this tab will be checked.  Once finish, click Ok.
Finally, click the Access Rights tab and select access rights for the user. Users with Master Access will have full rights so all options on this tab will be checked.  Once finish, click Ok.