Office Therapy - How to add Hospice Employee Indicator (Loop 2400 CRC Segment)

Office Therapy - How to add Hospice Employee Indicator (Loop 2400 CRC Segment)

This requires Office Therapy version 10.0.38 or higher.

The Hospice Employee Indicator code will be included for each line item in the electronic claim if the following conditions are met:
  1. The Insurance Company name must include "Medicare". It does not matter where in the name "Medicare" appears. For example, the insurance company can be named "Sample Medicare Insurance" and it will still work.
  2. The Charge Type must include either a "GW" or "GV" modifier. Additionally, it must be the first modifier if more than one is used.
If these conditions are met, each line item will include the indicator. It will always print 'Y', as this is based on the assumption that if the insurance company is requiring this, that the provider is a Hospice employee. 

If the provider is a Hospice employee, this is all you will need to do.

However, if this is not the case (i.e., the indicator should indicate "NO"), the only way to do so is manually edit the produced 837 file after Claims Manager has completed producing the file. You can open up the 837 file for editing by clicking on the file path link within the "Claim Processing Results" screen immediately after producing the claim.

When editing the file (by default, this is within Notepad), you can use Ctrl + F to use the "Find" function to locate "CRC" in the file. The line should look like this: CRC*70*Y*65~

You will need to manually replace the "Y" with an "N". Be sure that you do not enter any additional characters or spaces, or the claim is likely to be rejected. Repeat this for each line item in the claim as needed. 

When finished, go to File and click Save. You can then close Notepad, and then you can submit the claim. You can still use the "Upload to Clearinghouse" option if you already do so.