Office Therapy - How to filter clients in Office Therapy

Office Therapy - How to filter clients in Office Therapy

You can create filtered lists of clients in Office Therapy. For instance, you can create a list of clients with a balance, or who see a specific provider, or have a specific primary insurance company.

To create a filtered list:
  1. Go to the Clients View
  2. Click on the Filter button at the bottom of the screen
  3. Select Basic Options - Show All Clients, Active Clients, Inactive Clients, Select when first and/or last visit occurred
  4. Select Referring Sources tab - All or selected ones
  5. Select Providers tab - All or selected ones
  6. Select Insurance Companies tab - All or selected ones
  7. Actions tab - All Services or selected ones and a Date range
  8. Click OK
So, for example you can create a list of All Active Patients, from all referring sources, for all providers, for all insurance companies with any service performed in the past month. 

To Save this filtered list, right-click on the screen and select Save List As. Enter a name (e.g. Activity Last Month) and check if you want to make the list Public (available to all users). If you leave the checkbox unchecked, the list will only be available to you when you logon. Click Ok to save. You will see the List in the My Lists drop-down at the top right of the screen.