Open Claims Manager
Click on Produce Claims
Keep the Claim Type on Electronic. Also use the Additional Criteria section to filter (optional.)
Under the List of Charges, you can either click on the column names to sort or you can Group the Column Headers. Select/Unselect the claims you need to send. You may include both primary and secondary when submitting electronic claims.
Tip: If you do not see your claim, make sure the following:
Click on Produce Claims
Click on Upload to Clearinghouse
Depending on your clearinghouse and the primary payer, you may see the column Auto Forwarded is checked. This tells the user that the secondary claims was forward to that payer. If you try to produce claims that are auto forward you will need to go under the Advanced tab and check Produce a paper copy.
Click on Produce Claims
You will have the option to Upload to Clearinghouse or View/Produce Paper Copy