Select Groups from the View menu
Click Add Group
Enter a Group Name, Leader, CPT or Service Code. By default, the Group is Active.
Once you have setup the group, you can add clients. Click Add members on the Therapy Groups screen. Add members and click OK for each you want to add. You can Search by Last name using the first few letters or part of a name.
Once you have added a Group or Groups, you can go to the Calendar. Select an appointment slot for the Provider who is the Group Leader,right-click and select Add Group Appointment.
Enter Group details - you can check members who will not be scheduled, change the Charge Type, times and Provider - when done click OK.
The Group Appointment will show as one block for the Group. hen selected, Group details such as time, members scheduled, etc. will show in the Appointment details. You can toggle from showing the Group to showing alll member's appointment for that time slot by clicking the Hide Groups button at the bottom of the calendar. This will show slots for all members which you can then use to power charge or change properties individually as needed (e.g. the start-end time for one of the members, service code, Missed/Seen status, etc.).