Office Therapy - Invalid Subscriber ID (Loop 2010BA)

Office Therapy - Invalid Subscriber ID (Loop 2010BA)

Possible Rejection Messages:
  1. Subscriber and subscriber id not found
  2. Subscriber's Member ID number must be 9 or more numeric
  3. Member ID is Invalid
Please make sure the subscriber ID setup in Office Therapy is exactly as it appears on the card. That being said, sometimes if the Member ID on the card includes special characters ex. * or – , you will need to exclude those while setting up the information in Office Therapy.
To enter the patient's Subscriber ID
1) Select Clients from the View menu, or click the Clients icon on the Therapy or View Listbar.
2) Select a Client.
3) Select the insurance policy under the Insurance tab of Client Setup and enter the correct Subscriber/Member ID information in the Policy ID field.