Office Therapy - Managing and Reporting Insurance and Provider Rates

Office Therapy - Managing and Reporting Insurance and Provider Rates

Set  Allowed Benefits for Insurance company
  1. Go to the Insurance View, select the company, and select the Rate Card tab.
  2. Select the Service or CPT and enter the Allowed benefits (what the insurance company allows – e.g for a 90834 the allowed is $100 and the percentage paid is 80% or $80
Set the Provider’s Rates
  1. Go to the Provider view, select the provider and select the Rate card tab.
  2. Select the Service or CPT and enter the provider’s rate (e.g. for 90834, enter $120)
Setup the Client’s Standard Charge
  1. Go to the Client view and select a client
  2. Set the Provider and Primary Insurance for the client
  3. Go to the Standard Charge tab
  4. Select the Service or CPT (e.g. 90834). The Provider Fee and Fee Reduction, and distributions will auto-populate (e.g. Fee =$ 120, Fee Reduction $20, Allowed Fee = $100, Client responsibility = $20, Insurance responsibility = $80)
  5. Enter a charge for the client and save
Report Showing Provider Fee / Allowed Difference
  1. Select Report Essentials from the Reports menu
  2. Expand the Insurance Management and then the Insurance Charge Detail reports
  3. Select the "For Primary by Client" Report

Select a Date Range and then on the Clients tab, select Selected Clients Only and then select the client. You can select All Clients, All or a specific Insurance company, All or a specific Provider, and also filter on Charge Types.

The report will show the provider Fee, Reduction, Insurance Allocation, any Adjustments, Insurance Responsibility, Insurance Payments and the Total Due.