Office Therapy - Managing and Reporting Insurance and Provider Rates
Set Allowed Benefits for Insurance company
- Go to the Insurance View, select the company, and select the Rate Card tab.
- Select the Service or CPT and enter the Allowed benefits (what the insurance company allows – e.g for a 90834 the allowed is $100 and the percentage paid is 80% or $80
Set the Provider’s Rates- Go to the Provider view, select the provider and select the Rate card tab.
- Select the Service or CPT and enter the provider’s rate (e.g. for 90834, enter $120)
Setup the Client’s Standard Charge- Go to the Client view and select a client
- Set the Provider and Primary Insurance for the client
- Go to the Standard Charge tab
- Select the Service or CPT (e.g. 90834). The Provider Fee and Fee Reduction, and distributions will auto-populate (e.g. Fee =$ 120, Fee Reduction $20, Allowed Fee = $100, Client responsibility = $20, Insurance responsibility = $80)
- Enter a charge for the client and save
Report Showing Provider Fee / Allowed Difference- Select Report Essentials from the Reports menu
- Expand the Insurance Management and then the Insurance Charge Detail reports
- Select the "For Primary by Client" Report
Select a Date Range and then on the Clients tab, select Selected Clients Only and then select the client. You can select All Clients, All or a specific Insurance company, All or a specific Provider, and also filter on Charge Types.
The report will show the provider Fee, Reduction, Insurance Allocation, any Adjustments, Insurance Responsibility, Insurance Payments and the Total Due.