Office Therapy - Preparing for ICD-10 with Office Therapy

Office Therapy - Preparing for ICD-10 with Office Therapy

Beginning October 1st, 2015, all claims with a Date of Service of October 1st or later must be submitted using ICD-10 diagnosis codes.
Here is what you will need to do:
1.  You must be running Office Therapy version 11.6.1 or higher to file claims using ICD-10.
- You must contact our Sales office for the installation process. This requires that you are current on maintenance. Our Sales Department may be reached by phone at 800-850-8510. 
2.  You must update your clients so that an ICD-10 code is assigned.
- For more information on assigning ICD-10 codes, visit this article.
3.  You must be using Claims Manager to process your claims. The “File Insurance (4010)” wizard does not support ICD-10.
- If you need assistance learning Claims Manager, please view our Claims Manager Training Video here. 
Once the above conditions are met, please read this article that covers how to file your claims using ICD-10 codes.

To help illustrate ICD-10 assignment and filing, we have prepared a video which you may view by clicking here.

FAQs after updating to version 11.6.1 or higher:

Q: How can I tell if a charge is ICD-10 compatible?
A: Open up the charge within the ledger and go to the "HCFA Details" tab. If there is a block of 12 Diagnosis Pointers, this charge is ICD-10 compatible. If you are viewing charges in Claims Manager, ICD-10 charges will have the "ICD9/10" box checked with a check mark. (Note that you cannot change this check box in Claims Manager).

Q: I have sent claims with "ICD10" selected under the "ICD" tab, but the claims have ICD-9 codes being sent with the ICD-10 indicator, and the claims were rejected.
A: Only claims that have the "ICD9/10" box CHECKED can be sent as ICD-10 claims (this is the check box on the far right in "List of charges ready to be filed"). De-select any charges that are not ICD-10 and process those as ICD-9, or if the DOS is 10/1 or later, convert the charges to ICD-10 charges by deleting and re-entering the charge in the clients ledger.

Q: I cannot change or check the "ICD9/10" check box (in the far right column of "List of charges ready to be filed")
A: This check box is read-only. It is meant to be a visual indicator to see if the charge can be processed as an ICD-10 claim. Only ICD-10 compatible charges will have a check mark in this box. If there is no check mark, you must delete and re-enter the Charge from the clients ledger to convert it to ICD-10.