Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - Auto Export Updates from Office Therapy To QuicDoc Pro
The instructions below will show you how to set up Office Therapy to automatically update QuicDoc Pro when you modify a Client's demographics.
To Make Sure Office Therapy is Set Up to Automatically Export Changes to QuicDoc:
In Office Therapy > Go to Preferences > Customize
Click on the Administrative Tab
Make sure that the Automatically export new\updated records box is checked. (If you SQL Server and Database have not been set – Click on the Refresh button next to each entry to populate the fields.) You will be required to restart Office Therapy once changes are made.
You can also set up QuicDoc to Synchronize with Office Therapy (send updates to OT):
Log into QuicDoc as Admin. Go to Setup > Preferences
Click on Links and make sure that Automatic Export/Update is checked. (If your SQL Server and Database have not been set – Click on the Refresh button next to each entry to populate the fields)