Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - Backing up attachment folder

Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - Backing up attachment folder

In QuicDoc Professional the backup of the database is handled by a backup utility. There are other files that need to be backed up as well. For example, when you attach scanned documents to a patient's record in QuicDoc, the actual document is stored in a separate folder outside of the database and as such is not backed up by the backup utility.
To facilitate the backup of the QuicDoc documents folder, copy the documents folder to your backup destination location. The path for this will be different depending on the operating system you are using. 

The default path:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\DocuTrac\QuicDoc Std\Documents

In the My Computer/Computer window, browse to the correct location for your operating system. Once there, you will see the documents folder. Right-click on the folder and select copy. Once copied, paste it into your safe backup location. Please note that if you setup a custom documents folder/location, you will need to browse to that area instead of the paths listed above. This same process can also be used to backup your Reports folder if you have any custom reports you would like backed up as well.

You can also retrieve the location of attachment folder or set it to a different location.  

To set the attachment folder, log on with your admin account.  Go to the Setup menu and select Preferences.  Under the Administrative tab, locate the Attachments-Location setting.  You can copy the file path or click on the browse folder to find the file path.

To set the attachment folder in Office Therapy, log on with an account that has master access.  Go to Preferences and select Customize.  Under the Administrative tab, locate the Attachments setting.  You can copy the file path or click on the browse folder to find the file path.