Patient Payment posting is available in variety of places. You must first create a receipt, then you may post the payment. *Attach to a Reference Batch
On the ‘Patient Dashboard’ > Click Hyperlink ‘Post Payment’
From the Calendar, on the appointment > Click ‘Copay’ on the calendar
* This creates a ‘Receipt’ that is posted when the Encounter or Charge (for this DOS) is entered
The receipt
Use the ‘Payment Posting Action’ section to implement Posting Action for this receipt. > [Save]
*Auto Post rules are set on the ‘Statement Default’, in admin
If you are posting a Credit Card payment you will get the Biller Genie window. Either swipe or manually fill in card information and press Process Payment.
You will get an Approved or Declined screen. If Approved go on to Payment Posting if needed. If declined, you will need to delete the receipt by opening the receipt and clicking delete.
Payment posting page
- Post all the money from this receipt > get a smiley face
- [Save]
4) 'Method' drop-down options are:
- Apply Manually: Manually choose where to apply the money
- Apply Oldest Balance First: System will automatically distribute, starting with the oldest balances
- Apply Smallest Charges First: System will automatically distribute starting with the smallest balances - a good way to clean up a lot of small open balances
- Uncheck All: Will deselect all check-boxes if a users wants to start over with the distribution