Patient Refund

Patient Refund

Patient Refund

The following steps walk you through the process of refunding patient credit balances.  If you need to refund money that is in escrow, it must first be posted, creating a credit balance, then refunded using the following refund process.

You may also use the hyperlink from the patient dashboard 'Post Refund' to get to the 'Create Refund Receipt' page. 

What should I do if the patient does not have a credit, and I need to do a refund?

There are times the patient will not yet have a credit, for instance, refunding a patient before the insurance adjudicates, or the patient has paid in error and the charge has not yet been written off.  Use [Post Expert Mode] on the Receipt in these situations.  

  1. Choose the patient
  2. Choose the specific Claim and CPT line - the claim is in the format of Patient ID + 'e' + Encounter number.  In this example it is 4826e18769
  3. In the 'Post Payments' popup - use Transaction code 'PRF' > enter the refund amount > Tab
  4. Save the line item posting in the popup
  5. Save the receipt posting 

What should I do if the patient requires some of their money back that they paid at check-in (and the money hasn't been deposited)?

The patient pays at check-in, only to find they owe less than expected.

Assuming the money has not been deposited, simply modify the Receipt using one of two options.

  • Option 1) more steps but will provide a full audit trail
  • Option 2) quick and easy

Option 1

  1. Modify the Receipt
  2. Use Disbursed code 'VO' to void the original Receipt
  3. Add a note
  4. SAVE
  5. Create a new Receipt for the new amount collected

Option 2

  1. Modify the Receipt
  2. Adjust the amount to the new correct amount collected
  3. Add a note
  4. SAVE

What should I do if the patient requires all their money back and I have not yet deposited the money?

The patient pays at check-in, only to find they do not owe anything (e.g. services not rendered). 
Assuming the money has not been deposited, simply Disburse the Receipt using a Void code.

  1. Modify the Receipt
  2. Use Disbursed code 'VO'
  3. Add a note
  4. SAVE