


Pre-Collections is a process that allows a practice to manually or automatically queue up Encounters that should be reviewed for possible referral to Collections. 

Reports to manage Pre-Collections and Patient A/R?

  • Pre-Collections Worklist- found at the bottom of the statements page

  • Aging by patient

  • Interactive Aging filtered by PATIENT

How is the Pre-Collection worklist generated?

There are two ways the list can be generated 
1. System Generated- The Admin Setting 'Max Statement' must have a number listed for this to happen.  If the Max Statement is set to 3, then any Encounter with a Dunning Count = 3, that is eligible to be billed, will go to the Pre-Collections list rather than the Statement Batch when statements are batched the next time.
2. Create your own- use the [Make list] button to create a pre-collection list.

Do Encounters in Pre-Collections get statements?

If all the all the encounters are in pre-collection, then the guarantor does not receive statements.  If the Guarantor has any encounters that are eligible to be billed on statements, then the encounters that are in pre-collections will be included on the statement. 

How do I work the Pre-collections worklist?

The list is worked using the buttons from Left to Right. 

  • Select- 

This is an optional function. The user can use the filters to automatically select (check the check-boxes) of Encounters that match certain criteria. This is very useful if your list is very long.
  • Some users prefer to use the 'Click to Sort' options, for instance click on the column title 'Guarantor Balance', so the largest balances are at the top of the list.

  • Set Action- 

  • Use the Check-boxes on the encounters you want to effect (if the 'Select' feature wasn't used), then click [Set Action]. 
    • Recalculate Balance- if the list is old it can be refreshed on a per encounter basis using this feature
    • 'Reset Statement Counter' - this refers to the Dunning Message Count - use this action to reset all checked encounters.
    • Delete - delete encounter from this list Link: How to Delete from List
    • Sent to collections- in the screenshot below we have two Encounters we are sending to collection

  • Apply Action- 

  • Use this to execute the actions you have Set in the previous step. When you click the 'Apply Action' button, the system displays a summary of what Actions are going to be taken. Click 'Run'. The Encounters are then marked with the Action that was taken.

  • Report- 

    • used to report actions taken on this list

How do I replace the current pre-collections list with a new list?

Q) At times we get into situations where the list has hundreds or even thousands of Encounters, and rather than take the time to clean it up, it may be easier to start with a fresh list.
A)  See the below steps  
  1. Click [Make List]
  2. Enter Dunning Count, Minimum Balance, and/or any other criteria for the new list
  3. Check 'Clear Current Pre-Collections List' 
  4. Click [Run]

To Delete Encounters from the Pre-Collections list:

  1. Select Encounter(s)
  2. Click [Set Action]
  3. Choose Action 'Delete' 
  4. Click [Run] - this step Marks the record(s) for deletion
  5. Click [Apply Action]
  6. Click [Run] - this step removes the records from the Pre-Collections list

How to reset Dunning message 

From the Pre-Collections Page
  1. Choose Encounters
  2. Click [Set Action]
  3. Choose Action: Reset Statement Counter to....
  4. [Run]
  5. [Apply Action]
  • The Action column updates to 'Reset' following by the number chosen.  The Dunning side of the Dunning/Statement Column updates to the new Dunning count.


How do I ADD a Collection Agency?

Go to Libraries > Insurances > Add Insurance > Type: 'Collection Agency > Form Type: HCFA

How do I Place an Encounter 'in Collections'?

All Encounters must have a balance to the patient.
  • Option 2 - From the Encounter Dashboard, use the [To Collections] button
  • Option 3 - From the 'Patient Dashboard'

  1. Use the 'Select Action' Drop down > Choose 'Send to/Remove From Collections'
  2. Check all the Encounters with patient balance to send to collections
  3. Click [Apply]
  4. Choose which collection agency
  5. Add a note
  6. Save

How to create a spreadsheet to upload to a Collection Agency?   ....and update the records as 'Sent'

Two Options:
Option 1:  This option is best when Encounters are turned over to collections individually from the Encounter Dashboard.
From Statements > [In Collections]
    1. Select the individual Encounters to be sent or [Select All] 
    2. Click [Collection Agency Spreadsheet] 
    3. Select both check-boxes 
    • Include Selected Encounters (required unless you use a Transaction Number)
    • Update records as 'Sent'  *Indicates that record has actually been filed with collections 
                  4. Run

Option 2:  This option is best if Encounters are sent to collection as a group out of Pre-Collections (All Encounters will all be assigned the same Transaction number)
  1. Statements  > In Collections > [Collection Agency Spreadsheet]
  2. Choose the Transaction Number 
  3. Select 'Update records as Sent'  *Indicates that record has actually been filled with collections 
  4. Run

Note there are filters on the 'In Collection' page to exclude sent encounter and other filters

FAQ Collections

How do I post Collection Agency payments?

1. Create a Receipt > ‘Insurance Payment’

2. Enter the agency in ‘Insurance ID’ field

3. [Save]

4. Choose the Encounter(s)

5. Enter paid amount

6. Enter Collection fee amount

7. [Save]

How to post patient payments against balances that are out to Collections:
  1. Create a Patient Payment Receipt. 
  2. On the ‘Post Patient & Collections Payments’ page, in the ‘Show’ drop-down choose ‘Services with Collections Balance Only’
  3. Check the appropriate check boxes to determine where the money should be applied
  4. [Save]
  5. Use [Post Adjustment] to post the collection fee, using the transaction code ‘COLF’

Transworld Integration

Transworld Systems (TSI) integration delivers a new streamlined workflow for improved management of uncollected patient responsibility.  The system automates submitting qualified accounts to TSI’s First Party collection service: The Accelerator and Profit Recovery.  
  • Insurance profiles are automatically added to the Encounters
  • Notification of patient payments posted in the system are sent nightly to TSI
  • A system dashboard makes it easy to monitor and manage these accounts
  • When accounts are moved from first party to third party collections in the TSI portal, the balance transfers automatically from first party to third party in the system
  • Money collected by TSI Third Party collection service posts in the system with an evening update

If you are already a Transworld Client, please open a Support ticket to activate the new integration.  We’ll need to know:
  • Your Transworld Client Number
  • What Transworld services you are currently using (Accelerator, Profit Recovery, Third Party Collections). 

Support will contact you when they complete the set-up, and walk you through the next steps.

FAQ - Collections

  • Question:  What Transaction codes are used for posting Collections
  • Answer: 
    • IPC, Insurance Payment Collections
    • PPC, Patient Payment Collections 
    • COLF, Collections Fee Adjustment

  • Question: Claim was billed to the wrong insurance and ultimately the balance went to collections
W/C info now arrives for the patient and the practice wants to send a claim to W/C but doesn't want to take it out of collections
  • Answer:
    • Simply add the insurance to the encounter, update the profile to reflect the new insurance, but don't move the balance
    • Click "Print Claim" and choose the correct payer in the "Print Claims For" drop down box
    • To send electronically, change the claim to the 'READY0' Status to force the zero balance claim to be sent electronically

  • Question: What report can I run to see who is in Collections and what has been paid?
  • Answer: Collections Payment or Payments and Adjustments REPORT > filtered for IPC,PPC,COLF

  • Question: What report can I run to see all accounts in Collection
  • Answer: 'Pre-collection/Collection' > filtered by  'In Collection'