Create a Group appointment in PM - adjust members and resources as needed.
In this scenario, we are assuming you are logging in as the resource/provider selected in the Group and that the group note you insert is one designated as a Group note within PE.
In PM: Go to the Calendar, locate the Group appointment and...
a) Select the status of those members who did not attend the Group using buttons to the right of their name.
b) Use the Check In button at the top of the list to check in those members who attended (do not use Check In button beside the member names).
In the EMR:
1) Search for one of the patients in the Group to bring up their chart.
2) Insert the group note you want to use and fill in the information for the Group meeting (group name, group date, # of attendees, start and end time, etc.). -everything that would be the same for each member who attended.
3) Once the Group information is filled in, right click on the note and select 'Set Group Note'
4) On the following screen, select the Group appointment from the list (of available Group appointments for the provider). After getting the verification message, you can continue to fill in the Group details for this patient and complete the note, or
5) Select the Group icon in the menu bar, select one of the members names to open their group note. Fill in Group details for this member, complete the note.
6) Repeat to complete Group notes for all members.