QD.ini File Edit Steps for QD 12.0.5

QD.ini File Edit Steps for QD 12.0.5

After Setting up QuicDoc and installing the 12.0.5  Found here: http://www.quicdoc.com/programs/QuicDoc.1205.Patch.exe

Download the file. And be sure to Right Mouse click it then run as administrator. The installer will load up in a Background window and say installer installed successfully. Close that window and QD will be updated. Next go to this location by below by pasting it into your windows explorer window
C:\ProgramData\DocuTrac\QuicDoc Std

Next you will open up the file called QuicDoc.ini that will be located there 

When you open up the file you will need to paste the Parameters below


The next step is to edit the portion after the that says DataSource= EXAMPLE\DTISQLSERVER with your own server name. The easiest way to locate the server name is to open up the QuicDoc Database Manager from your destop or located with in your programs on the local PC the Icon will look like this
Once Opened Select the option to Backup the Database on the left side Menu
After this is done you will next select and press refresh next to the field called “Server Name”
Once this address is populated as such. (see picture below)
Copy and paste the address from the Sql Server Name Box above into the .ini file location replacing the “DataSource” name after the (=) sign.
Next you will go to the File -> Save and “Save As” the file to your local desktop. (Do Not Change the name of the file). After the file is saved go back to C:\ProgramData\DocuTrac\QuicDocStd, and cut\copy the QuicDoc.ini file that you have saved on the desktop and copy and replace the QuicDoc.ini file with it located in the original location C:\ProgramData\DocuTrac\QuicDoc Std. You will receive the message “ Are you sure you want to replace the file” select Yes.

From this point you can open QuicDoc to perform the registration process by contacting our sales or support teams (support@tmdtigroup.com).