QDPM - Setting up Billing/Rendering Provider
Use the NPPES Provider Import Tool to look-up and import of information from the NPPES website for Billing/Rendering or
Referring Provider
- Click [Add] from Billing/Rendering Provider Library
- Enter provider NPI and/or name
- [Search]
- Click NPI number link of the correct provider
- Review, then at the bottom of the page > Click Import [F2] to bring the information into the Library
- An ‘Add Manually’ option appears if there are no search result
Fields on the Billing/Rendering Providers Page:
- Provider Info
- Typically imported from [NPPES]
- ADD a 'Provider ID' field for ease of charge entry - such as the provider's initials
- Status
- 'Active' > Enter the date you will begin entering charges for this provider. The provider must be Active at the time the charge is entered or it cannot be saved. If you do not add a go-live 'Active' date you will need to come back before you begin charge entry and change the status from 'New' to 'Active'.
- Before go-live your Client Manager will update your database from 'Training' to Production to allow you to upload claims to our clearinghouse
- Licensure /Credentialing
- Credentials - use credentials, these may requires some formatting changes based on our lookup. If this a non person use 'ANC' Ancillary
- EIN - Tax ID
- NPI - usually the Individual NPI
- Required: Taxonomy, License No
- Geographic Info
- If the practice usually bills as a GROUP (most common) - choose the ID of the Billing Location
- If the provider usually bills by provider - choose: $SELF
- Must have address information on the Provider setup
- If billing w/ SS# leave Tax ID field blank and be sure the SS# field is filled out on this record
- If the provider usually bills by Facility (rare) - choose: $FAC
Before saving, check the box for 'Create Appointment Resource'