QuicDoc Enterprise - Can I delete a signed note? MODIFIED by CSilvius to include 2 other options.

QuicDoc Enterprise - Can I delete a signed note? MODIFIED by CSilvius to include 2 other options.

You cannot delete a note once that note has obtained all of its required signatures;

You can Void the note:  If you log onto QuicDoc as the System Administrator, you can select the note, right click the note and choose VOID NOTE to void that note and remove it from view when logged in as a normal user. The process requires that you provide a reason for voiding the note. An audit record is created when a note is voided with the date/time and reason for voiding.  The note will always be available under that patient’s record when logged in under an Administrative account.

If the session demographics need to be adjusted, the date, session times, service codes:  If you log onto QuicDoc as the System Administrator, you can use Modify Session Demographics to adjust these.  Open the note, select the Write tab, and then go to File > Modify Session Demographics.  Change what needs to be adjusted and close the note.  The changes will be reflected immediately.

And we have a Utility, QDSIGNOFFUTIL, that will allow you to unsigned notes, or change the QD user who is assigned to particular notes.  Please see Cathy for the most current utility.