QuicDoc Pro - Patient Summary Graph

QuicDoc Pro - Patient Summary Graph

Symptoms, Impairments, and GAF Tracking

The Patient Summary Graph charts Symptom Severity, Functional Impairment Severity, and GAF over time for all sessions where they've been rated when doing clinical notes.

Symptoms and Impairments

Symptom/Impairment section of the documentation module for Intake, Progress (Optional Sections) and Discharge notes.  Click on Edit Selected Symptom to rate the Symptom.


GAF is rated in the DSM-IV Diagnosis section.  Use the Axis V button to access the GAF.


Select the Patient.  Go to Patients menu, select History, and click on Symptoms/GAF

Click a Symptom or an Impairments in the list in the preview screen to generate a graph. The ratings with corresponding dates are displayed in the list box to the right.

Click GAF Ratings button to generate a graph of GAF over time. The ratings with dates are displayed in a list box. You can toggle back and forth to print both types of graphs for the patient.
Click Print to print the Graph.