Takebacks (Reversals)
You should, generally, post the takeback or reversal FIRST. This will allow easy application of that money to another account as the insurance adjudicates. In the case of ERA payment posting, one receipt will contain the takeback, if a payment was made, the receipt is for a negative amount. In the case of manual payment posting, the money we take back is added to the escrow of the receipt to be reapplied to other accounts.
What is the difference in 'Post as Remitted' and using the Takeback function from Manually Payment Posting?
Post as Remitted
How to use [Takeback] button
The [Takeback] function is Receipt based. When using this function, one is taking back exactly what was originally posted.
From an Insurance Receipt (IP):
What if a reversal or takeback does not post correctly?
In some cases the insurance will send a takeback or reversal of a previous payment in the ERA. Most of the time we can use the 'Claim Action', 'Post as Remitted'. However, sometimes the insurance will send a CR or other code that isn't the same as was originally remitted. In these cases the accounting won't be correct if using 'Post as Remitted'.
Notice in this example the 'After Posting' area indicates the posting is incorrect
Instead we should use [Manual Post], then [Takeback], then check the boxes that represent the items being 'taken back' > Save.
How to deal with a Takeback that is GOING to happen (future takeback)
In some cases, the insurance indicates at the line level there is a takeback, only to indicate at the provider level the takeback is going to happen in the future. You may notice this on the EOB or on the ERA Dashboard.
See an example of this in the EOB below:
See example of ERA Dashboard
Receipts are only created for the Line Level adjudication. In our example receipt 2075 has a takeback amount of 76.81.
We recommend changing the Receipt amount to $0.00
From the ERA remit page:
What if the Takeback is from an Insurance that is no longer on an Active Profile?
At times, we have updated/ rebilled to a new (corrected) insurance before a takeback is requested from the original insurance. Frequently users will make this old profile 'Inactive' by un-checking the 'active' box. We will need to temporarily change the profile back to the original insurance, by making it active and moving the encounter to that profile, to post a takeback.
Go to Insurance Management
Be sure the original profile is active.
After you are done posting the Takeback, move the Encounter back to the correct profile.