Testing That Web Hooks is Active
Open the practice in PM using pmdocutract1.theramanager.com with your own login and password.
Once in PM for that practice create a test patient (i.e. Lew Test) filling in all the required fields and saving the
Figure 1Test Patient in PM
Fine the URL, if you don’t know it, in the CRM (Zoho.) Open up the site in the EMR using the ‘tm’ user and password.
Wait approximately two minutes (or longer) and then search for the patient in the EMR patient list. DO NOT do anything
in the EMR (don’t refresh the patient list, etc.) In my test case for this practice, the test patient never populated.
Figure 2Patient list of test patients
If the patient does not auto populate into the EMR (PsychEase), then webhooks are off. Please let Robert know that
webhooks are not on for the new practice. It is imperative that webhooks be active or it can affect all the practices by
not updating any changes made in PM including adding new patients. If the test patient does populate, then webhooks
are on. Russ and Robert can be notified that webhooks is working as it should.