Using a Network Attached Storage Device with QuicDoc and Office Therapy

Using a Network Attached Storage Device with QuicDoc and Office Therapy

Question: I am evaluating using the demo... Assume I purchase QuicDoc-Office, (quicdoc + office-therapy) and two licenses (seats or users) for two PCs. Now these PC's are on a LAN, but are not connected to a server, however they do share a network attached storage device. Can the two PC/Users share information (a common database) by simply putting the SQL database on the network attached storage that is accessible to the two PCs? So that, the users can log into either machine and access their notes and share the common client information that is maintained in office-therapy.

Answer: If what you are talking about is a network attached storage (NAS) for file level storage that is connected to the network, depending on your SQL Server configuration and type of NAS, you may be able to use a NAS. You will still need to install SQL Server on one of the PC's on the LAN or a dedicated server. For more information on compatible NAS devices and configuration, you will need to consult your IT staff or consultant and/or Microsoft support. See for more information.