How do I deal with ERAs with encounters from an Old PM
Home Dashboard
Home Dashboard How do I customize my Home Dashboard? You can pin section(s) to have them display on the ‘Home Dashboard’. Click on the pin (turns green) located on the right corner of the section. Click the pin again (turns black) to un-pin. You ...
Guarantor Dashboard
Guarantor Dashboard The Guarantor is the person who is financially responsible, i.e. would receive statements for services rendered. Where can I find patient statement details? Click the Guarantor Name link > Statement History section Click the ...
Find Patient Guarantor
Delete a Person
Cases and Authorizations
CASES 'Cases’ hold information to be used on multiple charges for a patient's episode of care. Common uses include authorizations, workers comp, hospital charges, OB, DME, accidents, pre-cert, etc. To use, click 'CASE' from the Patient ...
AR Mangement
A/R Reports A/R Management : Run for a variety of criteria and breakdowns, shows the details of the A/R changes, with Aging breakdown, or can be run ONLY for the aging breakdown, which gives a display much like the Interactive Aging. Totals by ...
Adding an Insurance to the Library Manually
Go to Library > Insurance Click Add or Edit Type: Choose Insurance all Insurances. You may also use Work's Comp for workers compensation claims If no Payer ID can be found use the word 'Print' Use the checkbox to 'Print address' This will print in ...
Adding a Custom Field
Adding a Custom Field Go to Admin in the Sidebar [Custom Fields] > ADD Choose When Label to show on that page Data type Size Lookup - Add your own- ADD CUSTOM or use the existing libraries- Use Library or Use System Check to make ...
Move Encounter from One Profile to Another
How do I copy a previous encounter / charge?
How do I copy a previous encounter / charge? Service History contains a copy feature. This allows the user to create a new charge, using part or all of an existing charge. Click [Last Service] date on a new charge to access Charge History and the ...
How do I deal with ERAs with encounters from an Old PM
HL7 Mapping What is mapping and why is it needed? As new messages come in to our system they must match or map our libraries. Any new message that comes in that is not recognized must be mapped by the user. This is a one and done effort. Once ...
Batching and Printing Paper Claims.
Batch claims batch - skip this step if the claims job scheduler is set up Click on the HCFA batch number Click on [Print on Plain Paper] Click 'Open Claim File' link Click the Icon at the bottom of the PDF to Print all the claims in this batchThis ...
Manual Charges
You can add a Manual charge several different ways: (User must be attached to a Reference Batch) Access the ‘Charges Dashboard’ by clicking 'Charges' on the sidebar menu or '3' in the 'Go' box. From the patient's appointment. To go directly to the ...
Job Scheduler
Job Scheduler Following is a brief overview of the Job Scheduler setup; however, we recommend talking to your trainer or Support to start using this feature. 1. Go to ‘Admin’ > Job Scheduler 2. Click [ADD] 3. Choose the Function desired for a ...
Worklist Overview
Worklist Overview Worklists are used to manager follow-ups and accommodate many different workflows. Functionality allows you to assign tasks to users or user groups, and schedule specific follow-up periods. Planned updates include access to ...
Wait List
Wait List How do I use the Wait List Once the patient is added to the Wait List From the 'Search Tab' Click 'Check Availability' Use the filters in the Popup > Click 'View' next the patient you would like to schedule In the next popup availability ...
Takebacks (Reversals) You should, generally, post the takeback or reversal FIRST. This will allow easy application of that money to another account as the insurance adjudicates. In the case of ERA payment posting, one receipt will contain the ...
Reference Batch
Basic use of Reference Batch Reference Batches provide a simple way to balance daily transactions and create an audit trail. It is recommended that all users who enter financial transactions (charges, payments, adjustments, etc.), do so while ...
Post Insurance Refund
Post Insurance Refund (full) The below steps walk you through the process of refunding an insurance payment in full. Partial Insurance Refund Create an Insurance refund as usual, use the [SAVE] button On the receipt> Choose [Post Expert] key in the ...
Patient Refund
Patient Refund The following steps walk you through the process of refunding patient credit balances. If you need to refund money that is in escrow, it must first be posted, creating a credit balance, then refunded using the following refund ...
Patient Payment Posting is Available in Variety of Places
Patient Payment posting is available in variety of places. You must first create a receipt, then you may post the payment. *Attach to a Reference Batch On the ‘Patient Dashboard’ > Click Hyperlink ‘Post Payment’ From the Calendar, on the ...
Manually Batch and Upload Statements
Before running statements for the first time you will want to add your Statement Defaults. Then input the required information. The Dunning Messages set how many statements would go out before they would stop sending regardless of balance. If you ...
Manual Posting of Remits
Some remits will need to be managed manually For Remits not yet posted on the ERA Remit Items page> Use the 'Filter Criteria' Status Dropdown to search Denial (DW) or Hold (H) Remits Click on the Remit Number hyperlink > use the ‘Claim Action’ ...
How to Manage Remits on Hold Status
How to Manage Remits on Hold status How do I manage system delivered Hold? We system deliver a number standard reasons to Hold claims for manual review. In the same way, when you are manually posting, you may decide to not post some adjudication ...
How do I send a Replacement or Void Claim
How do I send a Replacement or Void Claim? On the 'Encounter Dashboard' > Click to [Modify Charge] At the bottom of the page > Claim dropdown- choose Void or Replacement > Save and Resubmit.
How do I Reverse an Encounter, to Delete or Modify?
How do I Reverse an Encounter, to Delete or Modify? If there are payments posted against this Encounter, new Receipts is created by this action. The new Receipt must be manually posted. Take special note of the Insurance posting. We suggest you take ...
How do I post DW, Denial Worklist or On Hold remits?
How do I post DW, Denial Worklist or On Hold remits? We intentionally put remits in status DW or On Hold for manual review. From the ERA Remit Items page > Use the Status filter for DW or Hold Click the Remit to access the ‘Manage Electronic ...
How Do I Partially Resubmit Lines On a Claim
How do I partially resubmit lines on a claim? Encounter > [Modify Charge] Click on line number hyperlink Choose a Submit Status in the drop-down if resubmitting one or two of many lines: 'Partial Resubmit [R]' if resubmitting all but one or two of ...
How Do I Copy a Previous Encounter
How do I copy a previous encounter / charge? Service History contains a copy feature. This allows the user to create a new charge, using part or all of an existing charge. Click [Last Service] date on a new charge to access Charge History and the ...
How Do I Add a Scheduling Build
How do I add a Scheduling Build? Go to Scheduling in the sidebar > [Schedule Setup] > Build tab Click [Add] Check all the Resources, then Facilities Choose Recurrences options' Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Select the 'Slot Type' Select the Priority If ...
Deleting Members from a Group
Deleting Member from Group Session Step 1: Go to “Scheduling Dashboard” Step 2: Select “Group Management” Once in “ Group Management” Step 1: Select the group you would like to edit. In this case we are using “Test Group” Once in “Test Group” ...
End of Month/Period
End of Month/Period Period Analysis & Closing Period Analysis & Closing Video We recommend all practices run the Period Analysis & Closing report to report on and close their financial periods. By closing the period, you are locking the posting ...
Custom Patient Query
Custom Patient Query Go to Reports, Custom Patient Query. Click Modify. The Columns to Display are what is going on the report. To change any fields double click on them to get rid of them or use the arrows on the right to adjust the order on the ...
QDPM - Corrected Claims
Corrected Claims Make corrections for claim. Go to the Encounter Dashboard, Modify Charge At the bottom of the charge, change Claim to Replacement and add ICN number. Click Save/F2 The corrected claim is ready to resubmit.
Batch Claims
Batch Claims Claims can be created (batched) and uploaded at any time. First, close Reference Batches containing claims to be sent. We recommend uploading at least once a day. (This can be put on a Job Schedule. See article on job scheduling.) We ...
Balance Forward
Balance Forward Here is a recommended systematic approach to bringing patient balances forward. Prior to each statement run, generate a report out of the old system that shows patients with only a patient balance (no more insurance outstanding). ...
QDPM - Authorization
Authorization How do I add an Authorization Click 'Add Authorization' on the Case Authorization number displays in HCFA Box 23 and 2300 electronic ANSI Add limiting factors and trigger Alerts for Scheduling and Charge Entry, by entering any of the ...
QDPM - Applying Escrow with Balance and Multiple Encounters
Applying Escrow Applying Escrow when you want to apply to multiple Encounters. Attach to a reference batch. Go to Payments, Receipt History. Select your filter criteria. Type – Patient Payment Escrow Only Search Export to either PDF or Excel Go to ...
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