QuicDoc and Office Therapy
QD: how to sign and finalize a note to send to PM billing
If you are using QDPM, ALL notes must be signed to for To Sign a Note: Please note, once the note is finalized it cannot be undone. If information needs to be added, please use the addendum section in the Note. Please check the note before signing ...
QuicDoc Pro/Office Therapy - System Requirements for Client Server
QuicDoc® Professional Edition Client Server-based Software System Requirements QuicDoc Professional Edition Client Server-based software is supported on both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems for Workstations and 64-bit ...
Installation Guide - SQL Server, QuicDocPro and Office Therapy
***Before installing DocuTrac programs, make sure all Windows Update has been applied and restart the computer. Disable any Anti-Virus programs on your system, and close all programs. Failure to do so may result in failed installation or unexpected ...
Installation Guide - For SQL Server and Older Professional Versions of Office Therapy and QuicDoc
***Before installing DocuTrac programs, make sure all Windows Updates has been applied and restart the computer. Disable any Anti-Virus programs on your system, and close all programs. Failure to do so may result in failed installation or ...
Installation Guide for Workstation - For Older Professional Versions of Office Therapy and QuicDoc
***Before installing DocuTrac programs, make sure all Windows Update has been applied and restart the computer. Disable any Anti-Virus programs on your system, and close all programs. Failure to do so may result in failed installation or unexpected ...
Installation Guide for Workstation - For Current Professional Versions of Office Therapy and QuicDoc
***Before installing DocuTrac programs, make sure all Windows Update has been applied and restart the computer. Disable any Anti-Virus programs on your system, and close all programs. Failure to do so may result in failed installation or unexpected ...
Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - Restoring Databases
Place the .BAK files in the DocuTrac Backup folder located on the desktop or at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.DTISQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup Open QuicDoc DB Manager or Office Therapy DB Manager Click on Restore Database Click on Refresh ...
Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - How to Change Diagnosis Code Descriptions
Both QuicDoc and Office Therapy allow you edit the Diagnosis Descriptions for ICD-10 codes. In Office Therapy: Go to View, Diagnosis Codes, ICD 10 Codes. Use the Search section to find the code of concern. Select the code in the list, and then ...
Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - Backing up attachment folder
In QuicDoc Professional the backup of the database is handled by a backup utility. There are other files that need to be backed up as well. For example, when you attach scanned documents to a patient's record in QuicDoc, the actual document is stored ...
Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - Auto Export Updates from Office Therapy To QuicDoc Pro
The instructions below will show you how to set up Office Therapy to automatically update QuicDoc Pro when you modify a Client's demographics. To Make Sure Office Therapy is Set Up to Automatically Export Changes to QuicDoc: In Office Therapy > Go to ...
Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - program(s) crashes when running Dragon Naturally Speaking
Cause: This is a known issue with Dragon Naturally Speaking and a number of software programs, including Office Therapy and QuicDoc. Please refer to the following article at Nuance Software, makers of Dragon Naturally Speaking. If you have issues ...
Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - How do I backup to an external hard drive?
The following will back up your databases however for best practice management it is recommended to move your databases to an encrypted external drive that is kept in a safe place. The will assure if anything goes wrong to this PC, you will have the ...
Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - Backing Up Using Database Manager
The following will back up your databases however for best practice management it is recommended to move your databases to an encrypted external drive that is kept in a safe place. The will assure if anything goes wrong to this PC, you will have the ...
Can I access QuicDoc and Office Therapy using a remote access connection?
Yes. We offer a product called QuicDoc® Office in the Cloud. You can access your clinical records and data from anywhere, anytime as long as you have an internet connection. Cloud-based systems offer built in data protection, bank-level security, ...
Office Therapy/QuicDoc Pro - SQL Server Does Not Exist Error
SQL Server Does Not Exist Error If an error message of -2146233087 Failed to connect to server or -2147467259,[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).] SQL Server does not exist or access denied, try the below fix. The below fix is used when a single ...