Sign and Date Multiple Notes (Supervisor Screen)
Overview Many organizations have scenarios where a rendering provider is overseen by a supervisor who is, in turn, required to sign and date the rendering provider’s note. Chances are good that such a supervisor might have to review quite a few notes ...
How to Add/Edit Custom Terms in PsychEase
This article will go over how to use the Terms tool in the PsychEase tool menu to create, edit, and delete custom terms. It will also show how a user can insert a custom term into a note input field. Adding a new custom term First, open the Terms ...
Unlink a note from an appointment
To unlink a note from an appointment; The note first needs to be unlocked, using the "unlock note" icon in the PsychEase toobar. Then the clinician can right-click the open note, mouse over PM and click "unlink appointment". From there, the clinician ...
How to Unlock and Edit Locked Note
This article covers steps needed to edit a locked note. You will need the unlock code; check with your practice administrator to verify you have the right unlock code If you need to edit a locked note (after sign and date) you need only open up the ...
Use Local Clipboard/Paste-Copy buttons
Use Local Clipboard/Paste-copy buttons Currently, the Copy and Paste buttons are grayed out when working on notes. If you have information in the current note that you wish to copy, simply highlight the text to copy. The act of highlighting the text ...
How to use Groups
Create a Group appointment in PM - adjust members and resources as needed. In this scenario, we are assuming you are logging in as the resource/provider selected in the Group and that the group note you insert is one designated as a Group note within ...